Amethyst Point Wire Pendant

Please Note: These stones & crystals are sold as individual pieces.
Amethyst points 1 1/4" to 2" plus in size
Metaphysical Properties Of Amethyst Points Wire Pendant
Chakras: Third Eye Chakra
Zodiac: Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius, Capricorn
Planet: Jupiter, Neptune
Vibration Number: Number 3
Typical Colors: Lavender, Purple
Top Properties: Protection, Purification, Spirituality
Common Uses
Physical: Acne, Addictions, Alcoholism, Balance Metabolism, Blood Disorders, Brain Disorders and Health, Bruising, Burns, Cancer, Digestion and Digestive System Health, Dying Process and Transitioning, Eczema, Emphysema, Endocrine System and Glands, Headache and Migraine Relief, Healing, Hearing Problems, Herpes, Hormone Production, Immune System Strengthening and Support, Injuries, Insomnia, Itching, Lungs, Memory Health, Night Terrors and Nightmares, Overindulgence, Pain Relief, Parasites, Physically Overactive, Pineal Gland, Pituitary Gland, Post Surgery Healing, Psoriasis, Respiratory Health, Skin Infections and Irritations, Sleep, Smoking Addiction and Cessation, Swelling, Tumors and Growths, Viruses, Weakness, Well Being, Wrinkles
Emotional: Anger Diffusing or Release, Anxiety, Coping with Changes, Coping with Grief, Coping with Loss, Decision Making, Dispel or Release Negativity, Emotional Balance, Emotional Pain, Fear, Focus, Love, Motivation, Night Terrors and Nightmares, Peace and Peacefulness, Rage Diffusing or Release, Reducing Stress or Tension, Selflessness, Serenity
Spiritual: Astral Projection and Traveling, Awareness, Communication and Connecting with Higher Self, Connecting with Inner Child, Cosmic Awareness and Consciousness, Dream Interpretation and Recall, Enhances Intuition, Enhancing Psychic Abilities, Harmony, Love, Meditation, Mediumship, Raising Vibrations, Spiritual Protection, Telekinesis, Visualization, Wisdom
Wearing an Amethyst Point Wire Pendant can expand your higher mind also enhances your creativity and passion. It strengthens the imagination, intuition and refines the thinking processes. It helps to absorb new ideas, put thought into action, and bring projects to fruition. It is a talisman of focus and success. Amethyst is still a remarkable stone of spirituality and contentment. When wearing Amethyst Point Wire Wrap Pendant while meditating it will assist to still the mind and inspire an enhanced meditative state. Its inherent high frequency purifies the aura of any negative energy or attachments. It creates a protective shield of Light around the body, allowing one to remain clear and centered while opening to spiritual direction. These Amethyst Point Wire Pendant are beautiful and are hand wrapped in our Ames, Iowa store.