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Jade Tumbled

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Metaphysical Properties Of Jade

Chakras: Heart Chakra
Zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra
Vibration Number: Number 1
Typical Colors: Green
Top Metaphysical Properties: Longevity, Compassion, Balance


Physical: Jade, through accounts in many cultures, spurs the function of the kidneys by adjusting the metabolism of water, salts, and acid/alkali proportions. It also stimulates the nervous system, which enhances and promotes our response and reaction times.

Emotional: Jade appears to awaken our inner images and dreams and creates a pathway to secret internal knowledge. It can bring calm when we're annoyed or energy when we're feeling sluggish or slow as a great balance provider. Jade helps to stimulate ideas and makes us ready to act. While we are at rest, it gives spiritual activity that helps us change decisions made during spiritual reflection into informed action without pause.

Spiritual: Jade supports us in understanding ourselves as spiritual individuals by promoting self-realization. When brought into our lives, it helps us handle things in a playful, spontaneous manner.

Please Note: These stones & crystals are sold as individual pieces and are approximately 1/2" to 1" in size.

Jade is known to help with serenity and purity. Jade signifies wisdom through tranquility. It can increase feelings of love and nurture. A protective stone, Jade keeps the wearer from harm and brings harmony. Jade attracts good luck and friendship.

Jade has been used in multiple practices as a stone of luck and prosperity. When doing any rituals for luck or just going to court, throw a Jade in your pocket to enhance the outcome into your favor. If headed to the casino or planning to do any prosperity spells, including spell jars, take a Jade with you to try and cashout a little bit more then normal. All forms of Jade are said to do this, so no need to be picky when choosing which one to take with you.

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