Metaphysical Properties Of Optical Calcite Rhombus Stone
Chakras: Crown Chakra
Zodiac: Leo
Vibration Number: Number 3
Typical Colors: Clear
Metaphysical Properties: Clarity, Clearing, Energy Shifts
Physical: Blood Clotting, Eye Disorders and Infections, Headache and Migraine Relief, Immune System Strengthening and Support, Joint Pain and Health, Skin Infections and Irritations, Ulcers
Emotional: Calming, Clarity, Dispel or Release Negativity, Hope, Laziness, Memory, Motivation, Positivity and Optimism, Reducing Stress or Tension
Spiritual: Amplifying, Divine Love/Connection/Guidance, Enhancing Psychic Abilities
Calcite is a powerhouse stone; it can amplify through three realms of whatever it comes into contact with. It is a conduit within the dimensions and within the Realms; it is the perfect stone to work with for those who do distance healing.
Calcite provides the centering of self and mind, unlike any other gemstone. This is due to its ability to amplify everything it comes into contact with; all aspects of love, magick, wisdom, hope, grace, sexuality, courage, etc., are greatly amplified and returned with tremendous force. Enjoy this excellent stone allowing the majesty and beauty of calcite in every aspect of life.
The Optical Calcite Rhombus Stone has manifestation energies making it excellent for grid work. It clears & activates all of the Chakras & clears away energy blockages, improving the flow of energy throughout the body. It clears away negative energy & amplifies positive energy, helping to remove fear-based emotions.
Optical Calcite Rhombus Stone is a powerful energy cleanser that by simply having a piece in a room clears it of negative energy and heightens energy in both the physical body as well as the subtle body. Rhombus of clear optical calcite can split light into colors; it can energize, balance and cleanse all of the chakras. These crystals are naturally squarish, concentrating energy inside themselves, making them an excellent crystal for grounding and transforming negative energy into positive energy.