Chakra Chime Candle Set Chakra Chime Candle Set In Spyrit Metaphysical

Chakra Chime Candle Set

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Chakra Chime Candle Set

This is a Chakra Chime Candle set with 7 candles.

This chakra chime candle set includes an orange candle, pink candle, black candle, white candle, dark blue candle, yellow candle, light blue candle.


Orange Candle= The Chakra is Sacral. The Zodiac is Leo, The day to best light the orange candle is Tuesday. Some herbs to burn as well are damiana, ylang ylang, dulse. Some stones that go with the orange candle are carnelian, snowflake obsidian, orange calcite, citrine, sunstone, tigers eye, amber, moonstone, aragonite, goldstone, amethyst. In the Chakra chime candle set the orange candle helps with confidence, joy, mental acuity, speed, making new friends, willpower, manifesting positivity.

Pink Candle= The Chakra is Heart. The Zodiacs are Cancer, Gemini, Libra, Virgo. All Nuturing signs.  The day to best light the pink candle is Friday. Some herbs to burn as well as the pink candle is clove, rosemary, rose and chamomile. The stones that go with the pink candle are rose quartz, rhodonite and tourmaline. In the Chakra chime candle set the pink candle helps with attacting undconditional love, romance, affection, joy, friendship, self-love and finding your soulmate. 

Black Candle= There is no chakra for this it is in this set because it takes all the negative from the chakras so they can realign. There is no zodiac for this because it works with all to help cleanse our bodies of evil or ill intent. The best day to light the black candle is Saturday but any day you think you need it. Some herbs that are good to use are mugwort, rosemary, thyme, any sage. Some stones that go with the black candle are black tourmaline, black obsidian, malachite, selenite. Helps with protection, banishing, cutting cords, removing negativity, repelling, absorbing, helps reverse curses or hexes, unblock stuck energy, stopping bad habits, or put an end to an unhealthy situation.

White Candle= Does the opposite of the black candle. There is no chakra for this as it is in this kit because it puts the positive back in the chakras once the are aligned. There is no zodiac as it works for all zodiacs. The best day to light a white candle is Monday but any day that things are starting to go down and you need that pick me up. Some herbs that are good to use is white sage, basil, rosemary, lavender and rose. Some stones that will go with the white candle are clear quartz, selenite, citrine, rose quartz, rhodonite, red jasper, amethyst. Helps with protection, new beginnings, purity, healing, truth, meditation, peace, gratitude, harmony, calling on spirit guides and calms your mind. 

Dark Blue Candle= The Chakra is the Third Eye. The Zodiac is Sagittarius, and Pisces. The best day to light the dark blue candle is Saturday. Some herbs that are good to use is passion flower, gotu, kola, lavender, ginkgo, blood orange, marjoram, frankincense, rosemary, angelica. Some stones that will go with the dark blue candle are amethyst, lapis lazuli, labradorite, sodalite, azurite, black obsidian, citrine, clear quartz, iolite, lepidolite, moonstone, purple flurotie, black tourmaline, kyanite and turquoise. Helps with enhancing focus, spiritual and emotional healing, improve commuication, helps with memory, connection with higher self. 

Yellow Candle= The Chakra is Solar Plexus. The zodiac is Gemini. The best day to light the yellow candle is Wednesday. Some herbs that are good to use is lemongrass, milk thistle, chamomile, ginger, and saffron, musk, sandalwood, cinnamon. Some stones that go with the yellow candle are citirine,amber, calcite, tigers eye, pyrite, yellow jasper, yellow topaz, agate, yellow tourmaline, lemon quartz, sunstone. Helps with success, happiness, enlightenment, confidence, prosperity, wealth, personal power and wisdom.

Light Blue Candle= The Chakra is Throat. The zodiac is Libra. The best day to light a light blue candle is Friday. Some herbs to light go along with the dark blue as well as the stones. As well as sodalite as it is good for communication. 

This chakra chime candle set is great to use. 

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