Sky Fox Healing Tea

Official Name: Rosemarinus officinalis
Other Names: Compass Weed, Dew of the Sea, Elf Leaf, Guardrobe, Incensier, Libanotis, Polar Plant, Sea Dew
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Metaphysical Powers: Protection, Love, Lust, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Purification, Healing, Sleep, Youth
Common Magickal Uses and Folklore of Rosemary Leaf
- When burned, it emits powerful cleansing and purifying vibrations and smoldered to rid a place of negativity, especially before performing magic.
- When placed beneath your pillow, Rosemary ensures a night of good sleep and drives away nightmares.
- When placed under your bed, it protects you from all harm.
- When hung on the porch and doorposts, Rosemary keeps thieves from the house and is carried to remain healthy.
- When placed in your bath, it purifies.
- It is often used in love and lust spells
- Rosemary is generally used as a substitute for Frankincense.
Rosemary has been one of the most essential Old World magickal herbs for a long time. Since ancient times it has been used for cleansing and purifying incense. Associated with Aphrodite/Venus (Rosemary's name means "dew of the sea" in Latin).
Later, it became linked to the Virgin Mary, who is said to have given the plant its blue blossoms when she rested her blue mantle on a bush. Rosemary was worn by medieval brides and carried by wedding guests as a token of love and virtue.
An old saying has it, "Where Rosemary grows, the woman rules." It was said that Rosemary would only flourish in a garden where the lady of the house wore the pants.
Many Christians believe that Rosemary echoed the life of Christ, growing for 33 years to the height of a man, and then perishing.
Rosemary stands for remembrance as Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet. (Recent research has suggested the scent of Rosemary improves retention and recall of facts.) Rosemary extract is used medicinally to cure all manner of ailments and is cultivated for its spiritual powers of protection and cleansing.
In hedge-witchery, Rosemary is a garden-friendly substitute for exotic Frankincense. Witches procure fresh Rosemary from gourmet markets and herb gardens. Rosemary appreciates regular trimming. The boughs can be gathered and preserved but will mildew in humid conditions. Dried Rosemary is preferable for incense and sachets.
Rosemary produces copious volatile oils; its essential oil is inexpensive. Synthetics are rarer than the real thing. The chemical composition of the oil depends on the variety of Rosemary used, with some formulations containing up to 20% camphor.
In Old World Witchcraft, Rosemary is burned to purify a room or ritual space before magickal workings.
Burn Rosemary and Juniper together to drive the staleness from home after a long and lingering illness.
Rosemary is helpful for all spells to accelerate learning in school or work. Sniff a sprig of Rosemary while studying to improve your performance on an exam.
Cleanse and consecrate athames, wands, and crystals with Rosemary oil. (Frankincense oil is traditional for this purpose, but Rosemary may be a better choice for the Green witch.)
Rosemary sprigs are pliable when fresh—weave them into garlands and wreaths for home blessings and handfastings.
A Rosemary Leaf ritual bath or "tub tea" may aid in the removal of worries and invigorate the spirit. You can also drink Rosemary tea for this purpose, but the taste is quite bitter.
A Rosemary bush in the garden may help to attract elves and repel thieves.
Metaphysical Properties Of Eucalyptus
Official Name: Eucalyptus spp. globulus
Other Names: Blue Gum Tree, String Bark Tree
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Metaphysical Powers: Healing, Protection
Common Magickal Uses and Folklore of Eucalyptus Leaf
- Stuff Eucalyptus Leaf in a healing poppet and carry them to maintain your health.
- Hang a small branch or twig of eucalyptus over a sickbed to make someone better.
- To relieve colds, ring green candles with the leaves and pods and burn them to the candle holder, visualizing them as completely healthy.
- Carry the leaves for protection.
Please do not use it on the faces of small children.
The eucalyptus tree is a large, fast-growing evergreen that is native to Australia and Tasmania. The tree can grow to 375-480 feet (125-160 meters). Eucalyptus leaves are long, slender, oval in shape, and taper to a point, averaging 7-10 centimeters in length. The surface of the leaves is leathery, and waxy, and has a grey to bluish-green hue. The leaves grow in an alternate pattern facing downwards and are covered in oil glands. Eucalyptus leaves are intensely aromatic with a mix of menthol, citrus, and pine. They impart intense flavors that are bitter and warm and finish with a cooling sensation on the palate.
While Eucalyptus Leaf can be used in a poppet to affect the person that the poppet is connected to, a person could carry Eucalyptus Leaf in a sachet or charm to bring healing energies also. Eucalyptus Leaf can be used in spells or rituals as an ingredient for cleansing a person or space of negative energies and assisting in pushing out negative entities.
A historical use of Eucalyptus Leaf is to hang a twig over the bed of someone suffering breathing issues to allow the aroma of the Eucalyptus Leaf to assist with cleansing the lungs.
Official Name: Lavendula officinale or L. vera
Other Names: Elf Leaf, Nard, Nardus, Spike
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Uses: Love, Protection, Sleep, Chastity, Longevity, Purification, Happiness, Peace
Common Magical Uses of Lavender Flowers
Lavender has been used for hundreds of years in love spells and sachets.
It is also used in healing mixtures, carried to see ghosts, worn to protect against the evil eye, and added to baths for purification.
Lavender Flowers are known for soothing, and calming the mind; it promote relaxation and sound sleep. The oil of Lavender Flower is antiseptic, antibacterial, and antispasmodic. Lavender essential oil is used for a broad spectrum of ailments and conditions, ranging from eczema to menstrual cramps, from burns to back pain. Lavender is also known to help reach the Delta cycle of sleep-promoting a restful and healing slumber.
Lavender Flower can be used for both attracting or pushing away entities in locations. Meditation while burning Lavender Flower or using Lavender incense can assist with opening and cleansing the Crown Chakra allowing a person to reach a higher state of consciousness and connection to the Higher Divine energies.
Lavender Flower is a common offering to the Orisha down in the Brazilian Candomble. The Chinese have a Deity that is strongly associated with the Lavender Flower, Yang Wanli, God of Lavender.
In some practices, the Lavender Flower is used as a symbol of purity, serenity, and calmness. The aroma of the Lavender Flower is considered to be a symbol of Purity and Virtue connected to the Virgin Mary. When Lavender Flower is gifted to a person the meaning is said to be of power and loyalty.
The Lavender Flower is used as a symbol of love and can be used to build a connection to Deities of love such as Aphrodite from the ancient Greek pantheon.
Official Name: Glycyrrhiza glabra
Other Names: Lacris, Licorice, Lycorys, Reglisse, Sweet Root
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Uses: Love, Lust, Fidelity
Common Magical Uses and Folklore of Licorice Root
Chewing on a licorice stick (the root) will make you passionate.
Licorice Root is added to love and lust sachets carried to attract love, and used in spells to ensure fidelity.
- Licorice Root makes useful wands.
Licorice Root is the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra from which a sweet flavor can be extracted. The licorice plant is a herbaceous perennial legume native to the Middle East, southern Europe, and parts of Asia, such as India.
Other Metaphysical Properties
Those looking to create a sachet for love or just to increase lust can use Licorice Root as an ingredient. Charms containing Licorice roots can be used to attracting love or to cause lust toward the person carrying the charm. If a lust charm with Licorice Root is left in a bedroom it is said to increase the lust of those inside the room.
For those who wish to increase their own passion, it is said that chewing on Licorice Root can boost the passion of a person. Spells and rituals for passion and commitment may contain Licorice Root and Garnet.
Licorice Root has been used in spells and rituals to assist in showing, boosting, or proving fidelity to a life partner.