Metaphysical Properties Of Squaw Vine
Official Name: Mitchella repens
Other Names: Partridge Berry, Checker Berry, Winter Clover, Derberry, Hive Vine, Two Eyed Berry, Hill Berry
Metaphysical Powers: New Beginnings, Protection, Fertility
Common Magickal Uses and Folklore of Squaw Vine
- Use flower extract for initiating new beginnings.
- Pregnant women bathe in squaw vine tea once a week because it keeps jealousy from hurting the unborn baby.
- In addition, it will stop the evil thoughts of envious people.
- Other spiritual qualities of squaw vine comprise all fertility and childbirth matters.
Other Uses of Squaw Vine
anxiety, diarrhea, water retention, low urine output, varicose veins, insomnia, congestive heart failure, kidney failure, colitis, menstrual cramps, ease child labor
The stem and leaves are used to make medicine. Squaw Vine has been to treat anxiety, diarrhea, water retention (edema), low urine output, varicose veins, sleep problems (insomnia), congestive heart failure, kidney failure, liver failure, severe diarrhea (chronic dysentery), and colitis.
Squaw Vine is famous for the treatment of gynecological complaints. It is used to promote easy labor by aiding contractions during childbirth and treating dysmenorrhea and painful conditions of the female reproductive tract.
Native Americans ate the berries and made them into jelly, which was used for fevers.
The plant can be used to ease period cramps, strengthen the uterus for childbirth, and help prevent miscarriage. During the last 2 to 4 weeks of a Native American woman's pregnancy, the women would drink tea made from squawvine leaves so childbirth would be less painful.
In folk medicine, this herb is used to treat postpartum depression, irregular menstruation, and bleeding. In addition to treating internal ailments, a squawvine wash was said to provide relief to sore eyes. Squawvine is still used in folk medicine to treat conditions, including anxiety, hemorrhoids, insomnia, muscle spasms, edema, and inflammation. It also relieves congestion of the uterus and ovaries.
Its antiseptic properties make it valuable for treating vaginal infections and is a natural nerve sedative. Practitioners of alternative medicine use it as an effective diuretic. It is used to treat such urinary conditions as suppression of urine. Squawvine is also a remedy for diarrhea, shrinking tissues, and nerves. Squawvine is used as an eye and skin wash. It can be used to treat colitis.
It is said that pregnant women who bathe in Squaw Vine/Partridge Berry tea once a week keep jealousy from harming the unborn baby and prevent the child from being "marked" by the evil thoughts of envious people.
Traditionally, the Iroquois nation used Squawvine as a 'love medicine .' To treat venereal diseases, the Ojibwa would smoke the leaves during ceremonies.
Drinking a tea of Squaw Vine and Raspberry leaves can ease labor pains.