Metaphysical Properties of Uva Ursi Leaf
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Also Known As: Arberry, Bearberry, Bear’s Grape, Kinnikkinnick, Mealberry, Mountain Cranberry, Red Bearberry, Sagackhomi, Sandberry, Uva Ursi
Metaphysical Powers: Psychic Workings
Common Magickal Uses and Folklore of Uva Ursi Leaf
The Native Americans made use of the bark, leaves, and berries for various ceremonies, and used it to teach shamans divination. Uva ursi carries with it the powers of protection and strength and is used to heighten psychic abilities.
Uva Ursi Leaf has been used in rituals for bringing spiritual strength during times of hardship. Another use for Uva Ursi Leaf is to meditate with Uva Ursi Leaf burning to assist with the spiritual strength before taking part in a ritual requiring a large amount of energy or the use of elemental energy that a person is not used to using or has issues using.
Uva Ursi Leaf is an herb that can be burned during or before a divination to enhance the psychic abilities of the Diviner. Those wishing to enhance or awaken psychic abilities can carry Uva Ursi Leaf in a sachet or charm.
As a protection herb Uva Ursi Leaf can be combined with other protection herbs or mixes such as Dragon's Eye Protection Mix for use in spells or rituals. Place Uva Ursi Leaf around the home with the intent of shielding the home from negativity.
For those who practice animal magic, Uva Ursi Leaf can be used for bears. This connection to bears is two fold, the first reason is due to part of the name "Ursi" which is used for the bear constalation. Reason two Uva Ursi Leaf is connected to the bears is that Uva Ursi berries are one of the berries that the bear seems to enjoy. When having a wish that is a true desire, try burning some Uva Ursi Leaf with your wish written on a Bay Leaf.